Friday, March 03, 2006

Weekend Getaway?? ya, FAR from it....

Planned to go to somewhere nearby for a nice,relaxing weekend getaway. But it ain't easy,taking a day off ain't easy due to de work load..i know..

Precisely i know how a trip helps destress and all, hence wanted to plan for a surprise short trip nearby, some 3days 2 night affair.

Cannot make it, nevermind i can understand...but at least show some appreciation ya? instead of going on abt de trip adding stress..bla bla bla, all de rantings ain't appreciated...(if only man can be more sensitive.)
I'm disappointed enuff, no need for oil to be added in.

I reckon it's easier getting a FLing to go with me. If I'm lucky enuff, i might even get paid for it.

Ok..Drea's up for weekend rental for a trip nearby.
no sleazy motels ok!@!!

Those who are interested please email me a photo of yourself and offer too.
Discounts will be given based on your looks & physiques.

If you look like Sammy, i may even charge FOC, just pay for de frigging trip will do.
No idea how sammy look like? here goes...

Yes it's Sammy.........

I've came to realise, The ART of Appreciation is seldom practised by MEN.

it's time i learn to stop doing anything, live the life of solitude..

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