Thursday, September 28, 2006

Perhentian Tonight!!!

The day i've been waiting for since a mth ago has finally arrived..

thou shalt leave for Perhentian Diving Trip tonight..
but look!!!

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Drea is leaving for Perhentian to Dive with an injured toe..OUCH OK!!
it's a deep deep cut that cuts out a big piece of thick flesh...yuckss!!!

Best is she didn't even know how she got it..
took a cab to work..colleagues made a fuss over it..they are so sweet...n so concern...end up my marketing mgr sent me to the clinic..initially she wanted to send me to SGH!! oh man!!

whole morning u see Drea sulking away..i was so worried i can't dive.


I'll juz gotta take good care of it and dress my wound daily!! everything is gona be OK!!!

and stop saying that it'll bleed under pressure n sharks will come!! u MEANIE!!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

All About Birthday...~~~!!!

sorry, been pretty busy n worn out with Comex..niwae..short update...

This year have got 2 best pressie!!!


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My BAbbyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

I can finally train to be a proper keyboardist..lolxx.

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2nd pressie is equally great, cos of de "surprise" by u guyzz...thank you so much for the effort....though i sort of expected due to your insistence to come all de way to EXpo to wait for me to finish Comex Set matter how late it ends..ahah

THe zhus r so sweet...they surprised me with a cake...

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juz when Drea is alrd touched to tears with de comes a better one

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*Brimming with tearsss**

and then...they brought me to eat what i always wanted to try!!!

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It's Smelly TOufu!!! LOLXXXXxxxx...

true friends are really hard to come by..thanks ppl..thanks so much for trying to cheer me up..
i spent 3/4 of my bday feeling sucky n moody..but cos of u guyzz....i once again had a memorable birthday...

Val, many thanks to u too for de surprise cake u got for me in office...thank u....
i guess de word MOODY is written all over my face...
that's always the reason why i always treasure my friends so much u guyzz...*muackzzz**