Thursday, July 08, 2010


Was at Maxsoft's office yesterday, they does all the Nintendo, PSP, Xbox games stuffs.

and saw this!

Super nostalgic right? Super Nintendo! and the huge box in the middle I think it's like the first generation of the nintendo.

That reminded me, we used to have an identical one of the one on the right, it's known as Super Famicon but can play nintendo games as well. it's like a japanese version of Super Nintendo.
Direct from Japan back then and it was a Xmas gift from Yamaki San....oh how technology grew over 20 years..

Still remember the game CONTRA? lolx...
back then when the game catridge doesn't work, u'll do this.

1) first u rub it
2) then u blow it
3) lastly, u insert it in

alrighty, somehow it sounded very wrong especially coming out from me! wahahahhah...

impressive collection they have, even the super duper old game boy to the joystick and things like that, ain't able to take a proper pic of those though, they were all blocked by their cartons..Zzzzzz =___=

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