Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Importance of Your Voice

I didn't realise how important our voice is...till i lost it completely..

Thanks to the virus that has been with me since the fever last weekend. I wasn't completely recovered and the sore throat remains. Finally it decided to full blow on me and torture me together with some flu and cough...

eventually i lost my voice COMPLETELY after 2 hours of jamming and a ktv session till 4am this morning...
No, it's not the KTV that made me lose my voice, my voice is barely there even b4 the ktv session begins.

By far i've drown myself with all kinds of remedies found such as coke with salt, honey water, star fruit juice with salt and mum just got me some Pi Pa Gao...
pls tell me that my voice will be back tomorrow...

*prays hard**

i can't even answer the phone. my mum have to answer my calls for me..ARGHH>.Ivan wanted to ask me along for SMELLY TOUFU>.WAH RAO EH....why am i so sway..always sick on weekeneds!!!!!

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