Wednesday, April 02, 2008

sth to sharea: The 5 Love Languages

as we're starting to plan really really slowly for our future, my bro intro this book to me for married couples.


Thought it was quite a good book just that such books are always soooo boring and dry.
So i'm gona take my own sweet time to read and i do believe that most of you will find the pointers useful BUT probably not the patience and time to read right?
Mr. Black for once will never read such books..

so i've decided to summarise each chapter and to share with you guyz on some pointers..

Intro: Keeping De Love Tank Full

"At the heart of mankind's existence is the desire to be intimate and to be loved by another
Marriage is designed to meet that need for intimacy and love"

The writer believed that everyone has a need for love and classified there's basically 5 basic love langauges for each individuals.

Keeping one's emotional love tank full is as important to a marriage as maintaining the proper oil level is to an automobile. Running your marriage on an empty "love tank" could cost more than trying to drive ur car w/o oil.

Chapter 1: Love Language #1 Words of Affirmation

Writer, Gary Chapman, belives that one way to express love emotionally is to use words to build up.
Verbal compliments, words of appreciation are powerful communicators of love..

this i strongly agree!@@!
even simple words such as " you look good in that dress" "i really appreciate u doing the dishes tonight" etc works wonders!

and i'd think especially to women. we've such soft ears and we love to hear such things all the time.

"The object of love is not getting sth you want, but doing sth for the well being of the one you love
It is a fact, however that when we receive affirming word we are then far more likely to be motivated to reciprocate"

how many of us are guilty of taking our partner for granted? i hope you'd take this phrase into heart and rembr, a simple compliment makes the other party feels appreciated and in fact more like to reciprocate!

no doubt we always do things willingly for the well being of our loved ones, and what else is the best way to "reward" us? nothing but a simple compliment does wonders!!!

I'd say simple thank yous to mr. black for the genting trip he's planned, and told him that i really appreciated the effort he's put in planning all these.
u noe, its juz small lil simple things like this..

and of cos i'm still learning.........there're still times i took him for granted.

And of cos, other than just compliments, give your spouse encouraging & kind words as and when they need!

nothing spur them more than their own partner's encouragement.

sometimes i'd have doubts on my job and the ability to perform to standard and do it well.
but mr. black was there, encouraging me, guiding me, having faith in me that i could make my product fly and painting the picture of how everything will be like for me when my products start to fly!

So rembr, simple compliments does wonders to ur relationship! even a simple thank you, i appreciate ur work makes ppl melt at times.....

this is kinda wordy so chapter 1 shall stop here now..look out for de nxt chapter ya?
let me noe if u guyz like all these if not i may stop halfway, kinda tiring leh to summarise and all...LOL

actually the whole chapter is still pretty long with some case study, i'll read through and see if there's any additional points to add on ya..

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