I'm sure most of us weren't aware that today is our Chinese Valentine's Day. Also known also Qi Xi or Qi Qiao Jie.
You may not be familar with this festival, but the term 牛郎织女 will be familar to most of us right?
I didn't know that we celebrated this day on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. Now i'm starting to wonder why that 7th lunar month? ain't it supposed to be hungry ghost month? why allowing them to meet only in such a scary month of the so many 12 months to choose from??
They weren't even ghost to begin with, apparently both were fairies or rather in a different version, Zhi Nu is a fairy.
Did a search on this festival, apparently there were 2 versions of the stories.
Below story taken from
XihaLife.comHistory, version 1According to the first version, the seven daughters of the Goddess of Heaven caught the eye of a Cowherd during one of their visits to earth. The daughters were bathing in a river and the Cowherd, Niu Lang, decided to have a bit of fun by running off with their clothing. It fell upon the prettiest daughter (who happened to be the seventh born), to ask him to return their clothes.

Since Niu Lang had seen the daughter, Zhi Nu, naked, they had to be married. The couple lived happily for several years. Eventually however, the Goddess of Heaven became fed up with her daughter's absence, and ordered her to return to heaven. However, the mother took pity on the couple and allowed them to be reunited once a year. Legend has it that on the seventh night of the seventh moon, magpies form a bridge with their wings for Zhi Nu to cross to meet her husband.
History, version 2In the second version, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu were fairies living on opposite sides of the Milky Way. Feeling sorry for the two lonely sprites, the Jade Emperor of Heaven actively tried to bring them together. Unfortunately, he succeeded too well - Niu Lang and Zhi Nu became so enraptured with each other that they neglected their work. Annoyed, the Jade Emperor decreed that from that point on, the couple could only meet once a year - on the seventh night of the seventh moon. And so today, star gazers celebrate Qi Qiao Jie by gazing up at the star Vega, east of the Milky Way which represents Zhi Nu, and at the constellation Aquila, on the west side of the Milky Way, where Niu Lang waits for his lover to join him.
I remember Mama telling me the version 2 story before when i was young.
Whether it's true anot, well indeed it was a sad story, imagine being able to see your partner only once a year!!
and sorry, this absence will not make the heart fonder, it defnitely makes the heart WANDER!
So people, treasure your love ones~!!!
If you think your partner is getting sticky, think again! there are those who wished to be by their partner side and yet can't do so.
Count your blessings~!!
And for the kukus out there, sorry but on this Chinese Festival, Chinese do not do gifts exchange like the Western way~!
Apparently, girls used to make offerings to Zhi Nu on that day, and it's also a day for girls to exhibit their embroidery or sewing skills, but these days, i think no need la.
Hardly any girls i know can sew...(perhaps you can, but neat anot is a different story)
ok end of story. FULL STOP! ahahaha