Monday, March 27, 2006

Visit to the DOCTOR..

it's a terrible weekend starting from the eye infection.
Sat morning went to see a doc...

thank god it's just a normal eye infection.

Doc: "you need mc for today?"
Me:" today Sat, no work so no need"
Doc: "tomorrow?"
Me:"tml also no work.."
Doc: "Monday?"

WAh sehz i see the doc so keen on giving me MC, not wanting to disappoint him, i agreed...

so actually i could have gotten 3 days MC, if only my eye gets infected on a weekday.

I've been so looking fwd to having fun and going crazy with BMC ppl on Sat, DAMN TT FUCKED UP EYE!

anyway, he took my blood pressure, it dropped again, it's a different doc, so he doesnt know of my history..

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this is the chart...
when i was told my blood pressure was high,
it measure a...

136/98 cos of this reading, the doctor refered me to the hospital for a thorough check.
When my personal trainer took my blood pressure, it read something like this too, he retook it a few times till i've to convince him that my blood pressure is that high.

Controlling my diet, working out a few times a week, the next time i see the doc prob 1month ago, it dropped to a more "normal" level

120/80 (estimation)

On sat, my blood pressure shows


Before you want to congratulate me on lowering my blood pressure successful, think about it again.
MY blood pressure is too erratic to be normal.
Within 2 mths, it dropped from 138/96 to 118/70

could it be me not taking regular meals?

went to a cousin's wedding dinner looking chao ta and sunburnt and with a face as black as bao gong...well do i need to say more?

i guess it won't be easy to fulfill my dream so soon....i spent most of tis afternoon watching Beyond's Concert Dvd..........when i watched Wing played & sang 遥望 tears fell..........

每天多么多么的需要永远与你抱拥着 忘掉世间一切痛苦悲哀 纵使分开分开多么远

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