Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wow...We JAM!!!!! First time "JAMMING" Fun..i think I'm hooked, u guyz r such great fun..heee...u guyz ROCKZzz..
intended to just drop by to pass some of them the Albums, then..ended up stayed throuhout de session..hee..

see we have..

SEE! SO PRO lehzz...

At this point, u guyz wondering, What de heck Drea does right? probably chor bor n kaypo around...


even though it's been 10 years since i touch de keyboard...but i still can PLAY OK? i.e a few keys at a time with retarded motion.

And look!!

i even got an assistant....u know why? cos i can't catch up half de time, i need someone to help point to me where the notes are as well as to flip pages for me..buahah....
*psst, look at my face? totally immersed in de music ok.!*

k la..i'm sure they dun mind a redundant keyboardist who always managed to hit a few notes even after the song end..BUAHAHAHA

Due to popular demand, I promise I'll practise hard on 海阔天空 Keyboard solo Intro..
One of these days, I'll be able to play this Solo Intro Just like GARY TONG..

But....he doesn't seem to like this idea.

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